Giving this a go...

By Debiives


I saw this very densely packed bed of pansies while out on a run earlier and it made me smile. They were very bright on a very dull day.
When I got back from my run Andrew asked if he could go for a run too so him & Cameron came round the block with me then did some sprints up & down the street. All in the torrential rain! It was Andrew's first ever run & he did about 1/2 mile without stopping.

I also cycled the long way back from church- 10 miles. I'm doing a triathlon in 2 weeks & the HM training, holiday & being ill all mean I haven't trained as much as I should have but I've made a schedule & hopefully I'll do ok.
Today's cycle was my first with my new spd pedals & shoes (got the pedals for Christmas but only just got shoes) and they're amazing.

Going to enter the ballot for VLM too.

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