John J E Fergusson

Today's the day ........................ for memories

My Dad died today.

He loved my blip and I can't think of a better way to bring his memory to mind than to write about him here. This is a self portrait that he took - not long before I was born. He was a good photographer and did all his own developing and printing.

He grew up in Edinburgh and at the age of 14 started working at Boots the Chemist. He worked for Boots his entire working life - qualifying as a pharmacist and then rising up the ranks until he became a Territorial General Manager and then a Director. There are so many things that I could write about him - the things that he did and the influence that he had on all the family. Suffice to say he had a long and happy life and that his end was peaceful.

He gave me his unconditional love and support from the day I was born. He is, was and always will be - my Dad ...........................

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