
After a week of complaining about the horrible grey sky, it was good to be in Edinburgh when the sun actually made an appearance.

I was supposed to be working until 10pm, so i'd planned on taking a shot of The Rail Bridge at night, but things went so well we got to go away several hours early which meant I had to think of something else to blip.

One of the guys in work is connected to Cramond Angling Club and was on BBC Alba last week talking about the Almond and is always raving about the river and where I could get some shots, so I decided to head down and scope it out. He's right, there are tons of things I can take shots of. Unfortunately I went at the wrong time, so not only was it absolutely hoaching with people but I was also shooting directly into the sun.

Most of my shots had sun flares in them, so will return soon to get some when the sun isn't directly in my face.

Blip wasn't behaving itself last night (again), couldn't get logged in after 9.30 despite several attempts, so have been forced to backblip this.


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