The Cure

A beautiful sunny cycle this morning.

The unicorns horses seem to have moved to another field as I haven't seen them in weeks now. Disappointing as they were great to photograph. Took a few other mediocre shots along the cycle path.

Could have kicked myself for putting my camera back in the bag because due to roadworks and a road closure, a bold motorcyclist decided to drive along the cycle path and he was riding a very impressive motorbike.

As I got nearer home the black cat was sunning itself in it's garden again. It's face is so dark that I didn't think I would manage a close up of it's fantastic eyes. It obligingly lay on the path as I moved around to get more light in it's face and fiddle with camera settings.

Lunch eaten, I'd better go tackle the large pile of ironing as predicted after yesterday's epic room clearance.

P.S. Playing on my iPod while taking this, Lovecats by The Cure

P.P.S. Large is Cool For Cats

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