
By Saffi

Bard's Birthday

I always remember today, Rosie's and the Bard's birthdays and St George's Day. Every year we celebrated in my youth by having festivities on the village green, climbing the many ancient stone steps to the top of the church tower (St George's Church) to look at the panoramic views and roasting an ox on a spit outside in the evening for all and sundry. There were probably a few Morris dancers somewhere in the background too. The first slice was sent to the Prince of Wales since he was lord of the Manor. We always thought the by-then cold meat must have been given to the corgi's!

Then Shakespeare. The Tempest we read at school aged eleven and on parents' day at the end of the summer term one of his plays was always performed outside on the playing field edged with trees. Every one took part, even the local riding ponies trotted across the space at some stage of the afternoon and medieval songs were sung.

This is one of my favourite editions of his plays, leatherbound and having belonged to my only aunt who died aged 18 in 1928.

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