knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1


I feel like I'm spinning in more ways than one.
I had my first Yarn Club today. I'm teaching primary 4 kids how to knit and hopefully crochet and do other yarn things in the future.
As I'm always so organised today was spent frantically putting everything together and even doing a rough lesson plan. Then I had to dive quickly to school just in time for the class. One day I'll be organised and on time for something.
The class went really well and the kids were all enthusiastic, even though I only just managed to get them all cast on. Next week they will be knitting.
My picture for today is of all the yarn I spun yesterday.
The brown mass is a mix of dodgy fleeces that I'm trying to psyche myself up to getting through.
The other 2 bobbins are from my gift bobbins at Once A Sheep. We've been sharing a bit of our fibre at Spin Saturdays and this is what I've done with them, with the use of my drum carder.
better go and make tea and get ready for some knitting with my West Kilbride knit buddies.

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