Journal of a Jessica

By Wallflower

Rosie and Nuna Noo.

This is my best friend Rosie and my cat, Luna. Luna hasn't made an appearance in quite a while, I'm aware.

Rosie and Lesley came over today, and on our way home we visited the new game store in Prudhoe, and looking at the Playstation 1 games we found a number of Tomb Raider games so, naturally, we bought three. We then proceeded to go to my house and play these games and they were really awesome. I'm going to play one all night, because I'm somewhat nocturnal now.

Oh, I went to see my Head of Year and he said that I can re-take my AS Levels, so I get to choose different subjects (which I actually enjoy) and don't have to do any exams this year; which makes me very happy indeed. So next year I'm just going to work really hard and behave myself, like actually turn up to my lessons because I'll probably enjoy them.

So now I'm sitting at my window listening to Here Comes The Sun, which to those of you who don't know is my favourite song in the whole entire world, it's just bloody perfect. So now I'm off to play some Tomb Raider. I hope you've all had a lovely day.

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