Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

look up look down

Do you take the time to sit or carry on rushing about?

Well, I think you know the answer for me....sit, every time.

I sat on the riverside feeling the sun blowing on my face as the birds sang their delight, songs and thoughts of summer, mildly hinted at by the softest of moments. In the background I could hear the traffic grumbling about some long forgotten travesty, low and disturbing noise.

The sound of footsteps stamping out the frustrations of urgent nonsense, fast, frantic and agitated. Looking up, the sky was a gentle blue with horse tail clouds, phantom like in their purpose and promising change to come.... ever constant change.

Looking down, diamonds and crystals sparkled in the blades and scimitars of grass, natures jewellery for those with eyes to see and hearts to feel. Emerald reflections abound in the miniature worlds of every watery orb, resplendent in shades of green the world transfigured.

There standing aloof and sentinel, among the lush green........ yellow sunshine. So bright as to make the wildest heart stop, the most eager sprite lay down its task and stare for a while. Covered in the simplest gown of dew. Barely awake in the low sunshine, dazedly opening its face to the world....shy of its beauty......ignorant of the wonder it had caused.

The magic cast by this life....the wonder of all that we see, feel, hear and experience caught in the opening of a delicate so normal that others rush by..... not in contempt, not in ignorance, just unaware that such elegance and beauty is beneath their feet. precious, so wonderful...... so ours.

So there I was peering into the ground... "ave you lost sumfin mate?" came the question.
"No.... I think I have found something though, something very wonderful indeed!"

I showed him the flower......he shook his head and walked away.

Hehe this particular little piece of magic was just for me then........

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