A year of adventure

By sjones

Days 84 and 85

Wednesday 28th December:
We got up very early and went out on drive this morning to try and find the cheetah as they were looking for something to hunt this evening, but lost the light and didn't catch anything. Then when we got back to Bukela we had breakfast and then Mum and I showered and changed quickly and got in the car and picked Stacey up from the club and drove into PE. We went so that I could try on wedding dresses, as Mum is going home soon and the first time I tried a wedding dress on I wanted mum to be with me. Only one of the bridal shops was open, it wasn't that nice to go in as it was a little dingy and the dresses were a bit tacky, but it gave me an idea about what I wanted and it was easier to talk to mum about it with her there and so she could see, we have found a few more places to look at when Stacey and I next get a chance to go through to PE. Then we went and picked up a few groceries and drinks for the boys and then we went down to the Bluewater cafe on the waterfront that Stacey and I always go to for late lunch and a drink and then we drove back to Amakhala. We dropped Stacey off at the club and then drove back to Bukela, as we were driving back along the Karal Landman Pondo, the one horn rhino, crossed the road in front of us, so we stopped and watched him as he wandered off into the bush. When we got back to Bukela the boys and dad weren't far behind us, it turned out they had spent their whole drive looking for Pondo and so we were better off to have missed game drive and been on the Karel Landman at the particular time.

Thursday 29th December:
We got up early and went on game drive this morning, then when we got back and had had breakfast we got hold of William, as there is a Buffalo calf on the reserve which is limping badly. He came and collected up at about 3pm and we took our stuff for sundowners with us as if there was time we were going on drive with Will after the buffalo. As it turned out due to the location of the animals and the behaviour of the calf's mother we could not dart the calf and Will was unsure as to what he would really be able to do to help the calf as you cannot restrict their movements and the area they were in there was a significant risk they may run down into a valley where we couldn't get to them.
So William took us on a bit of a game drive and then back to Bukela so that we could get our stuff together and then we went over to Leeuwenbosch for dinner. It was lovely and we spent the evening chatting to William and Uncle Bill and Aunt Rose. It was really nice, the boys said they were glad that we didn't go over there earlier in their trip though because being there made them want to stay there again.

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