Dreaming in Blues

By SapphireDreamer

Old to Someone

New to You.

This shot is of a piano at the consignment shop. It is also unedited.

Part 1 of 'Mission: Find a working VCR' is accomplished.
Part 2 begins as soon as I can find a VHS. :p

A few new articles of clothing (3 of which just happen to be green?).

Homecoming Weekend at OU.
Sixth year in a row I've avoided it.
On my drive through town to the consignment shop (where I found said VCR and "new" clothes), I noticed what had become of the town. I've never seen it look this trashed. And this shot isn't even the worst of it. It was just the only shot I could get at the all-too-brief red light. And on this tiny portion of Court. But, it should all be spotless by Monday. Tuesday at the latest.

Shots at the Shop:
*Where's the Giant Spoon?
*the Ultimate Party Hat
*Need a Brom Skirt?
*New. To You. - Alternate Blip Option

Just updated from Wed 17th. A few gems, if you don't mind my saying.

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