veridical paradox

By TrustYourself

Olympia Wimpy Limpy La La Loo

Today was complete crap. Everyone was cranky in school (myself included) and it took forever. After school I went shopping for my parent's anniversary and it didn't go to well. My roof in my truck was leaking (the perils of having a jeep wrangler in rainy weather) and my passenger seat wouldn't stay in place. Everytime I would stop or go it would slide back and forth and was a complete pain in the ass. My dad spent half an hour trying to fix it but it was my uncle (who was at my house randomly) that eventually fixed it. And that was the highlight of my day.
Around 8 I was watching the Ranger game (THEY WON!!!) with my dad when my mom came over and asked if we heard a thumping noise and I did but we couldn't figure out where it was coming from. We looked around and it sounded like it was coming from under the couch so my parents lifted it up and I looked under and Olympia (the kitty cat in the picture) was stuck with her head between two metal bars in a puddle of spit and pee and she was limp. Naturally I freaked out and had to pry her out and she was acting really blah so my mom and I were like poking her and she finally came to (I think she was in shock). Then we swaddled her like a baby and gave her a bath (which she really didn't seem to mind...) and after she was all bundled up in my lap half asleep and purring so I suppose she's okay now.
It was seriously terrifying though! I could've lost my little Olly baby <3
sorry that was such a long entry, I guess I just had a lot to say today~

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