After all the excitement of the last few days, I decided on a very simple shot for today. Also, as my own camera died yesterday I'm using someone else's which is great but slightly different, so I'm fumbling a bit!
So - rainy bluebells from my garden, taken quickly before work. Did they ever count as 'simples'? I don't know, but I've always loved that word. Medieval monks and doctors gave it to the one-ingredient preparations they made to mix into medicines. Don't have any idea if they ever used bluebells, probably not.
However, they have nothing to do with meercats! Simples!
Thank you so much to everyone for your lovely comments yesterday. The image landed up getting 100 stars, which made me feel very emotional! It could have been a really bad day, but turned into a rather exciting and exceptional one.
And my daughter (subject of yesterday) is now on Blip. Catch her here
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