Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers

Blades and Bars.

Today was shitting ridiculous. Absolutely shit. I was trapped in a little box room because pastoral was pissed at me, only allowed to see friends sometimes, and school generally was shit.

This is a blade and a scaffolding bar. Hence the name.
Bethan hardly spoke to me, i'll take that as an 'i'm sick of you go away' and go back to being worthless.

I love Jess and Lesley. Honestly, I adore the two of them. David too! I mean I love Bethan, to pieces. Everything is going to be okay with her.

But maybe not with me. My prayer was 'make her better, take me instead' and I think, for once, it's actually happening.

Scary shit right?


Doctor says i'm depressed,
Really it isn't the best,
but all that I know is,
wherever I go,

I'll be nothing compared to the rest.

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