
By Daizy


I can't believe that I've actually managed to get this far, especially as the last month has been really challenging. I should've expected that really with the start of the new academic year and all the other issues at school. Actually, although I did have to backblip quite a lot during September, I still enjoyed taking the daily blip...and to me that is what this is all about. The challenge and enjoyment of taking a shot each day which is either something I've seen or done.

Blip is a fantastic website and, of course, I want to say a big, big thank you to Joe and the folks at Blip Central for making it possible and ensuring that it retains its integrity. The Blip community is amazing...but you all know that! I love seeing what people are doing all over the world and even if I haven't been commenting much lately (and hopefully that will change from today!) I have been visiting journals to see what you all are doing! There are so many of you who deserve special mentions... so I'm not going to list you all. Just thanks EVERYBODY!! for making this such a great site.

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