Muddy Adventures!

By TheFarmersWife

Rich in colour...

You all seemed to like the picture of the coloured pony last night so I've gone back for another go (I was passing on my way to check the sheep). I love the pink muzzle on this one and the lovely long mane.
I tried it in black and white but you need colour to really appreciate the soft pink nose. She's very heavily in foal so maybe I'll get a decent foal shot soon. My husband saw the last one just after it was born when it was still wet and wobbly.
Eldest daughter had a great riding lesson last night on Bob. It was lovely to see her gaining confidence again. She had it knocked out of her a few months ago with a nasty fall and refused to ride him off the lead rein since. But last night my friend Kerrie (sister of Emx) came and gave her a lesson. They were soon whizzing around cones and poles with not a lead rein in sight. Just the hugest grin. It was great to see. Tonight she got Bob in a head collar and lead rope and dragged him around the course again, and like a big dopey dog he went wherever she lead. He adores her. Sausage followed in their shadow the whole way. Apparently she didn't want to be left out!

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