My Great Success Story

By SavvyStereo

Electric Pick-Up

This is a shot of my study. This evening, between studio sessions, I've been playing a bit of electric guitar as I am recording a solo for a students coursework tomorrow. I haven't picked it properly in weeks and feel like my playing's a little crap.

For the last few years pretty much the acoustic has been my thing and the electric feels strange and alien. Oh well, going to try and play some more loop peddley post rock once this coursework is finished and I have more time. Will hopefully get some recording going as well.

ALSO, I'm getting pretty interested in finally buying a really nice camera. I've really liked the idea of having a Nikon DSLR for a while and they've got a new entry-level camera, the D3200, coming out next month. It looks good but I'm trying to work out the difference between the entry-level and slightly more expensive. Need to look up my camera terms.

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