
By trabroun

Boogie's bargaining breakfast

We had a very very early start this morning - even though it was a Satruday - we were up with the dawn at 04.00 to get into Edinburgh for 05.30.
S and I had volunteered to be "telephone helpers" for our local radio station Radio Forth as they were holding a fund raising phone-in. We manned the phones from 06.00 - 10.00 taking pledges from all the very generous folk in the Lothians & Fife raising more than £87000 in 2 & 1/2 days. Donations had slowed down quite a lot and so Forth 1 Breakfast Show host Boogie came and joined us and worked from the desk next to S for a wee bit whilst on air to try and get more donations- did pretty well, within 15 mins my pal Sara got a call pledge in for £30 000 !!!!!!!! whooppee.
The money raised is going to the Sick Kids Hosptial Eidnburgh
Went home knackered but good day had by all

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