a town called E.

By Eej

Three years, three months, three weeks ...

... it took.
There were unemployment benefits, and sometimes there were no unemployment benefits. There were crappy jobs, there were promises, there was screwing over. There were tears, there was anxiety, there were meltdowns (all mine). There was optimism and courage (all his). There were foodstamps, there were scary moments and there were Friends without whom we'd be destitute.

And today I'm happy to announce that my Beloved has got a job. A real one. One that will get us benefits so we can go see a doctor once in a while. A job that will get us closer to where we want to be.

So that badge he's wearing so proudly, for the first time today, means the world to us, because of all it represents.

I'm so proud of you, bear, and I love you thiiiiiiiii*holds out arms as wide as possible*iiiiiiiiiiiiiis much.

ps. I'm also proud of Zeb who made it into the Blip Blog as 1 of Blip's Top Ten Best Kitties :)

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