Off Centre

By RachelCarter

3-thingied thingummy

A-Ladies sand gendlemen...!
I give you: "Exhaustion, Desperation, Not-a-Clue"!

I like to think this latest work represents the three manifest states of mind of - er - well, exhaustion, desperation and not-a-clueness, combined with the tiered sensation (yes, that's tiered not tired) of thing upon thing - of piling-up-ness and the impression of unavoidable, overwhelming going-to-be-toppling-down-soon-ness.
The very three-ness of it provides analogies relating to the three children, the three days of wiping up sick, the three important jobs I'm trying to do all at once... the three egg cups on the window sill.

Yes, the three wire egg cups that I saw just as I was remembering that I hadn't taken a photo today. The three wire egg cups that I picked up in my sleep-like stupor and balanced on top of each other on a stool and took a photo of for no good reason other than they were there. And I am exhausted, desperate and have not a clue.

Have I flipped?


(How many times can one person flip?)

Creative people should never be allowed to talk about their "art" - especially if it's total rubbish. They only make up a pile of rubbish to hide the fact that there's no thinking behind it.

I'm supposed to have started my EMA for my literature course. It's like a big, important final exam and determines whether or not I pass my honours degree and how far I can puff my chest out.
So far, I have done nothing towards this. I may have taken on too much recently.

Anyway, Tess is much better. Still not well but eating - hoo-rah!
Eating eggs, of course.

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