Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Meet Avery

At 6:00 this evening, two little visitors (maybe I should called them guests) arrived here to spend the next four nights and four days. Avery and his younger sister, Elliette (Ellie) are certainly entertaining us this evening.

The two of them are quite concerned that their "mom" has gone and they don't know where. They can almost jump the barriers that we use here to keep our three pooches corralled in the family room and kitchen dining area when we are downstairs or when we are upstairs in the master bedroom. Our three have never tried to jump over the barriers . . . Avery and Elliette have both given it a go and both have experienced victory. They don't quite clear the barrier, but as they teeter-tooter on the top of the barrier, they lean and end-up on the other side and then they are off and running.

When Elliette would not stop jumping the barrier and then running up the stairs, we put her in one of the three crates that our pooches use as daytime houses; actually it is Mitzi's crate -- so Mitzi is pouting! She looks so pathetic, and it is crazy funny.

A while later Avery wandered into the dark kitchen area, so a moment passed and I went to check on him and could not find him; I checked under the dining room table in the corners, then I looked up and he was on the dining room table just "checking out" the things his mom had left here for him. Sheeeeeeesh! He had found a chair pulled out enough that he could jump up onto it and then up onto the table.

This is going to be an interesting weekend . . . long weekend. Avery and Elliette's "parents" leave early tomorrow morning on a plane to Sacramento to attend two weddings. They will be back about 9:00 Sunday evening.

The next four days may produce more "pooch" photos.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and Chloe, Mitzi, Max, and Avery & Elliette), aka Carol

P.S. I forgot to mention that Avery & Elliette had just arrived with their mom and we were all out in the backyard when Avery fell in the spa-end of the pool. We got him out and he took off running through the backyard, just having a blast. So we finally caught him to wrap him in a beach towel. Moments later Elliette was running around the pool with our three when she leapt into the pool. Then she did a lap around the perimeter of the pool. So we got her out and wrapped her in a towel. We have now enclosed the patio with the plastic construction fencing that we installed sometime ago for our three (and then opened it up again when we realized that Max & Mitzi would push and go under it to get to the other side of the yard). The next four days we are hoping Avery & Elliette will not go under the fence, but for sure they will not be going out into the backyard without one of us.

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