Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

5 Months On

From this. My big girl.

We did some painting today. I got her the non-finger paints and brushes. She liked it, but like with all the craft things, she lost interest after 10 minutes or so. We got one good painting out of it.

She also helped me make pancakes for lunch. We had them with maple syrup and fruit. She probably ate 2 whole pancakes (they were small) and lots of fruit. Didn't eat her tea at night, then woke coughing and with a runny nose... so I think it might be a cold that's putting her off her food at the moment. She's happy to graze, but won't eat a proper meal.

Rebecca's still happily trying new food. I managed to get her to eat a whole bowl of baby rice, by loading up 2 spoons and giving them to her one after the other. She won't let me put the spoon in her mouth, but she's happy to do it herself!

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