Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast

I'm playing the generation game.....

.....again today, I'd intended taking a trip to the big city but the weather is dire and all the places I'd planned to go would have involved getting wet and cold and where's the pleasure in that?

So instead I'm doing a bit more family history (and pickling some red cabbage, a job that would be a lot easier if I hadn't sliced my finger when I was chopping it, but that's another story).....anyway, that's my Great Granddad and Granddad up there from the 1911 census. My Granddad's love of the poney's (sic) was a lifetime affair, I think I learnt to read my first words from the Racing Form Book when I was a wee tot sitting on his knee (he also taught me to roll 'tabs' in his Rizla cigarette machine, much to my Grandmas disgust!)

In other news: I had an extremely long, convoluted telephone conversation this morning with the DWP about my state retirement pension which is due to start in 2 weeks time......the application for which they haven't even started on yet, and probably wouldn't have if I hadn't rung them.......

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