Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Jedi Instruction

In my capacity as Jedi Trainer for the Grandsprogs it has become necessary, now that the elder one is 4 months short of his 4th birthday in your Earth years, to equip him for the battles he will face.

His light sabre arrived via Uriah's Pony Stable (UPS) this morning, as did my new one. They have the full facilities one would expect, multi colour display, sound effects which change the sound and colour as battle ensues. Not bad for £5.50.

Not many young Jedi become masters, indeed many fall by the wayside. However, Short Arse is being trained by Oh Knee The Lonely, one of the few Jedi with his own theme tune.

Oh Knee The Lonely - Jedi Master.

In other news Elvis and his mum went out for tea late last night, too late for Blipping. She is very caring and moved in front of him to protect him.

Toots meanwhile went BerZeeQueue, wouldn't do anything until this effrontery to her territorial rights was removed. Consequently she started squeaking for help at 0215 when her bladder was at max capacity. Bloody dog.

Elvis & Mum.

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