This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

I want to do your dishes... (can't you tell)
No actually I don't mind.

This morning we woke up early for a 8:30 am visit from Stewart's Dad. We had a nice chat with him as we wanted to before we leave next week. Then I felt like baking, but did not bake. I made an ethiopian red lentil dish instead. Stewart went to the gallery to talk buisness. I washed the dishes as you can see. I received a package for Stewart and buzzed someone in and did all that strange big city buzzing door stuff.

And then slowly but surely things started to happen...

I started inviting more people to like my artist page on facebook and because of this, a very nice, actually the nicest gallery in Little Rock (capital city in Arkansas) now wants to set up a meeting about representation when I return to the states. I also solidfied plans to meet with person in charge of exhibitions for the public library in my town so that we can discuss an exhibition of my works from mid July through September! I also applied to an art competition that if I am selected has a $500 prize and they print the winning works in a limited edition. Then I decided to sign up with the Pollock-Krasner foundation and started the grant application process! I applied for another grant last week as well. I also did some research on artists residencies around the world. And I checked to see if it was too late for Stewart and I to have an art booth at a local arts/family fun festival in late May. Busy busy busy! Yesterday a new art business idea/service was started as well. I'll have to keep you posted on that...

Later in the day Stewart sold a painting! WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!

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