La vida de Annie

By Annie

Where's my breakfast then?

I looked out this morning to see if there were any signs of yesterday's baby thrushes, and this little chap was sitting loudly ordering brekkies. Mum arrived with the wriggly goods although I couldn't see the other youngster anywhere - hope it's safe. It's fascinating to watch them, although I restricted myself to 20 minutes today (don't want to turn into a Birder - I'd be trainspotting next). After being fed this critter slumps down on its perch with eyes half shut, and after 10 mins starts to puff itself up, preen its feathers and stretch its stubby little wings before starting the calling ritual again. It's very soothing to watch, especially as I'm under the weather with Anne-flu amongst all my other ailments, and haven't the energy to go out. Hope the weekend's better.

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