Nessie views

By cpo173

Former Life #1

Searching for a blip today and was up in the loft doing a bit of a clear out when I came across evidence of my former life as a policeman, thus the cap, notebook and pencil plus my first ever set of handcuffs. Not the type that they have nowadays and of course we had to buy our own. You will of course see that there is no badge on the cap. During the last 17 years of my service I did not wear uniform and a week before I retired I had to go and give a talk about my life in the Police to Primary school children. One of the boys, a badge collector came to me at the end and asked if he could have my badge. I knew that i would'nt be wearing the cap again so he got it and immediately ran away to show his pals his latest aqusition. Happy lad.
Have a nice weekend all.

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