
By Instography

Big sky

Took wee Ellen to nursery on her tagalong, which she's really enjoying, although once you climb up to Duloch it's pretty exposed, with its chilly northerly wind. Certainly woke me up.

Not much else was done with the day. Some pottering in the garage tweaking bits of bike for tomorrow's wee jaunt into town for Pedal on Parliament. Later Mandy and I cycled up to nursery to pick up Ellen.

It'll only be me and Mandy with Ellen in the trailer tomorrow since Ewan's off to Cub Camp as an evacuee and a bit WWII education until Sunday. When I dropped him off he was issued with his ration book, ID card and gas mask box. There was a siren so presumably there'll be a bit an air raid. Probably in the middle of the night.

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