Off Centre

By RachelCarter

The only way is up


I've sunk to the lowest lowness possible.
I lay on the ground outside this evening and took a photo of a ladder.

Any excuse for a lie-down...


I'm so tired.
I've nearly lost my voice now and I'm croaking like a strange character from a slightly disturbing low-budget horror movie.

The ladder and scaffolding were put up yesterday. It turns out the house we bought 5 years ago doesn't have wall insulation - which would explain the extreme temperatures, the condensation, the spotty walls and the extortionate heating bills. So next week we're getting our walls filled.

At least it's an orange ladder.
It's not just any old ladder.

I think someone must have dropped a wrench on that bottom rung.

Bad stuff: Tess was sick again this morning
Good stuff: Mrs. Wood*, my editor, has finished the line edits on the flash-fiction anthology and I can finish putting it together tomorrow.

(*AKA "Mum" )

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