Today, after no rain yesterday (first time in weeks we've had two dry days in a row) was the day to tackle the terrace. With grass nearing three feet tall, we were in danger of losing large items like the barbecue, or children. I set to with the strimmer. And then, after a brief pause for raking, it wouldn't turn on again. Mr B is speaking alarmingly about 'if' we buy another one... So I fear these shears will be seeing a lot of use over the next few days if I'm to tame the garden. Happily, they are sharp.
I had expected Mr B to fix them - he took our DVD player to bits and fixed it a few months ago, when I was all set to go and buy a new one, so I think I now imagine he can fix anything electrical. However, after a bit of poking about and a small electric shock, he decided it was unfixable. Back to old technology.
Very hot and humid today. And I even had to water a floppy looking plant or two. The transplanted borage is just about hanging on, but I transplanted the second one which promptly fell over and died. Ah well, can't win them all.
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