A year of adventure

By sjones

Days 109 to 119

Saturday 21st January:
There was no cricket today so we got some more of Williams accounts done and cleaned the house and sorted things out. Then in the evening Stacey, Carl and I went over and had a braii and a couple of drinks. It was a really lovely evening. Carl went to bed early as he had driven a ong way during the day and Stacey and I stayed over at the club for a little longer just in case anyone turned up, which they didn't, so at about 9pm we came back to the house.
Sunday 22nd January:
Stacey went with Carl to meet his parents this morning and to watch him play cricket, so I stayed at the club and kept an eye on things, then at about 7.30 a group of people came down for one of the rangers farewell party. Stacey and Carl got back at about 9pm. It was a nice evening and I spent a lot of time chatting to Rhian and Julie. It wasn't too late finishing, about 11.30, so we locked up the club and came home and went to bed.
Monday 23rd January:
We did some more of Williams accounting stuff today. That was about it.
Tuesday 24th January:
Very exciting day today, did accounts for William all day and then chilled in the evening.
Wednesday 25th January:
Today I had to go through to PE to sort out my visa stuff, which was annoying. It was nice to get out of the house/office for a while though. I got sunburned over lunch though, because it was very hot and there were no tables left with umbrellas so we sat in the sun. Then we did the shopping for the club and for us and then came home. It was the social sports evening so we went over to the club. The guys didn't stay late though so it was a chilled evening and we got to bed at a decent time.
Thursday 26th January:
We worked all day today and then this evening we went over to Rhian and Julie's house, near Quartermain's camp for a couple of drinks and snacks. Jandre and Sarah came over too and it was really lovely. Their house is gorgeous, set in the reserve in a little valley with all the trees and wildlife around. The house is all wooden, with a cute little deck on it. It was a wonderful evening.
Friday 27th January:
We did lots of paperwork type things for Williams accounts and then this evening we went to open up the club, but no one came here, so we watched movies, I straightened Staceys hair and we watched films, it was really nice.
Saturday 28th January:
There was cricket on at the club today, so we were over there all day. Carl arrived here at some stupidly early time this morning, so when he finally got out of bed he went to Nanaga to go and get us pies to eat, which was nice of him. When the cricket was over a lot of the cricketers stayed for a little bit and then they all went fairly early, only a couple of guys stuck around into the evening, we had a braii and a few drinks and then closed up the club and went home at abnout 10.30, which was nice.
Sunday 29th January:
Today we got up and were about to start work when another of the guys Stacey and Carl studied with came for coffee and to say hi. So we sat and chatted to them for ages and then started on the work. We worked all day and into the evening, as we were being productive. Then went to bed, very exciting day in the bush.
Monday 30th January:
We did lots of filing and the final bits of the accounting stuff. Then Kyle messaged us to say that he was going to go out for a drive around the reserve, but he didn't have guests so did we want to go with. So at 4.50 we got changed and went over and met him at the conservation centre. It was a lovely drive and we got to spend some time watching the elephant and their babies. They were so cute. One of the little ones is still working out what to do with his trunk and he was swinging it around and then tripped over it and fell flat on his face. It was the most adorable thing. Then we drove around for a little longer and then went back to the elephant, after the other vehicles had gone. It was lovely. Then we went to woodbury house with kyle and had coffee and chatted. He fed his corn snake as well, which was fascinating, but also rather gross. Then we came back to the house and went to bed.

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