
By Beachball

Night before staff orientation

Home late last night from work, then wide awake, up at 5.45 to take Peter and Ben to the airport, they are off on a football tour with Bens foist all team.
Come home had a shower and caught up on email.
Dropped Elliot at school then off to complete 20 telephone interviews with a client.
Got back to the shop at 1 am to gong the astro turf bring laid, the painters, the floor guy and till training.
Everyone left us by 6pm and then we had tons of boxes to open and sort out.
Home at 23.00 and I have lost to plot I think.
Elliot, Jake, Snowy and Jet came to visit, and managed to eat chocolate
Big day tomorrow, ran out of time tonight so back at the a 6 am to get ready for tomorrow. Staff orientation at 11am, ice cream delivery
It's real. We have nearly completed a dream.
Wanted to do this for 20 years.
My motto is " Never say I wish I had "

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