Skinny Piggy

By SkinnyPiggy


I wasn't very happy when I went home and discovered cat poo in the garden again. This time I noticed it contained a lot of soil and tree bark, so I suspected it had been dumped by our neighbours.

I went over to ask then about it . Cut a story short, they did dump it and they admit it. I reassured them that I don't think it's our cat Allie. He always does his business when he comes back inside. I understand their frustration as I still have to pick up cat poo from our own garden. I had bought a sonic car scare to keep thrm hanging about in the back garden. I wouldn't let Alfie out if he was littering in gardens. I told them that if they caught Alfie in the act to let me know. They apologised and I understood why they did what they did as they have young kids play about in the garden - would be frustrated too if I had discovered 4 lots of litter in the garden in one day. I would have raised the issue first with the person before acting on the other hand.

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