Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

She has struck again

The Greenhouse/Garden Fairy has struck again. This is the boss' therapy, her garden. She has taken over my shed, removed anything that seemed even remotely connected to N Gauge model railways and made it her own. About 5 metres away (notice the advanced use of French Yards and Inches) is her greenhouse. I'm always amazed at what she produces, but never completely fooled as I know Dobies supplies all the babies. However many are of her own creation and they look really healthy this year.

Question. My son in law is renovating their old Cornish house, which was once a rectory. He has unearthed piles of shards of pottery which he stores assidiously. I believe there is a name for this collecting bug, it's not archaeology as such, just a fascination with bits of clay pipe etc. He has however found the tiny head and shoulders of a very old doll. The paint is still fairly intact and he is very proud of his 'find.' The grandson has inherited this collecting habit, but confines his collecting to our garden. Our daughter meanwhile is more down to earth. Once her chap disappears to work or B&Q she hurls piles of remnants onto their Cornish walls, where they are reabsorbed into the soil for another generation to discover and ponder over. Her chap, for whatever reason, never seems to notice the disappearance of his treasures. So, any ideas, is there a recognisable name or is he as mad as a mongoose?

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