Growing old disgracefully



As the Professor is recovered from his chest infection, we were able to undertake our normal constitutional up the 'Coo Path' this morning. We do this 2.5 mile walk every morning, except for when we are prevented by illness, family crises, work, domestic drudgery, or lethargy - in other words we manage it about once a week. The reward comes in the shape of a strategically placed bench at the top of the hill, where we pause to get our breath, put the world to rights and watch the aircraft make their right angle turn up the Garnock Valley and into the final approach. They are about a mile away at this point, so little noise or nuisance.

Back to paint the back door and then this afernoon I went on a walk with my camera in the Locher Community Woods. From here it is possible to walk west and up onto Windy Hill, but I have still to surprise the Pimple with Pretentions by coming upon it from that direction. I spent a lot of time watching a buzzard being harrassed by crows defending their nest, but it was never quite close enough for a decent shot. So here instead is my picnic table with a view - Ben Vorlich, Ben More and Stobhinian, with the Ladymuir plantation in between.


An unhurried day
My outdoor plants surviving last night's frost
A cherful call from my son and heir.

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