It's just a phase

By HelenMcCann

The road to Wigan Pier

We returned to Wigan today to collect the new car. I managed to blip the famous Wigan Pier this time (although it was a quick drive by shot). I have fond memories of college "do" events at the night club and for a bit of culture the museum was excellent as well.

The new car is quite a lot bigger than my old golf and is going to take quite a bit of getting used to. But it's great to be able to fit 3 car seats in the back. I was quite sad to say goodbye to the golf. I got it just before no1 son was born so all 3 babbas have come home in it.

This morning we went to pixi foto to get babba girl's photos taken. She's very photogenic, even if I do say so myself, and it was hard to limit myself when choosing which pictures to buy. I'm very pleased with myself that I only got 5!!! Can't wait to get them in 2 weeks...

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