Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins


Evening all.

Continuing my theme of 'crap photos at concerts' series, i'd like to present you with my second entry for April.

The first being Therapy? at Leeds a couple of weeks ago, and this one is of the massively hip death metal fusion punk crossover band, called.......

"Infected Scabies and the pustular privates".

Ok, actually it isn't Infected Scabies at all, i may have made them up a little bit.

No, this is that other massively hip punk/metal/death/ blood/ spit/greaseball combo who go by the name of......STEPS!!!!

Yup, thats them in all their blurry glory. We braved the wild winds and torrential downpours to get to Manchester to see the Steps reunion tour. Three tickets my daughter got off her Auntie at Christmas, and despite a multitude of friends pleading to go with her, she choses her mum and I!!!!

Actually i'm not going to say anything remotely negative, it was a good concert really, lots of dancing,singing and audience participation, with a stage show done slightly on a tight budget but enjoyable for all that.

What i would say though, not seen that many numbers of gaudily dressed, totally drunk women of a certain age since the glory days of the Leadmill 'Grab a Granny' nights in the early 90's!

Made me quite nostalgic really...and of course i danced, i was the best!!!

Night all

Steps/Bee Gees

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