Over Casts

Traprain Law from Tyninghame Bay, East Lothian. Tyre tracks from the big fat tyres on the bike leading along the old mooring posts. The quantity of worm casts show why this is a magnet for birds - but not today, it was eerily empty. Swans, shelducks and gulls on the opposite shore but nothing on my side.

Big Bay.

By the way: Iain got a shot of me riding off yesterday :)

I spent all day gardening, not so much for the new plants, more to get rid of what was there before. Well, it looks a lot better and the brown bin is full so that must be good.

The children were to come home unexpectedly which left me 1 hour to get out on the bike. I made it to Tyninghame Bay then about-turn to Dunbar and another ride right across Belhaven Bay. Another grin from a driver watching from his parked car was nice :)

In other news: Wii U-draw "Disney Princess Gift Pack" is in Asda for £15 just now, highly recommended for creative little fingers. Katie's dead good at it.

Oh, and I had a closer look at the Blip maps. Here's my local stomping ground.

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