Staying Alive

Now, I love nature, me, but I hate these bloody weeds. I spend hours pulling these things up, its a wonder I dont constantly wet the bed. Yesterday afternoon saw me do battle once more but luckily I woke up dry this morning. The ones in the cracks in the path (exhibit A above) are harder to get so I reluctantly resort to weedkiller (a very difficult choice for me as I worry about the birds, getting it on their feet, eating poisoned worms etc etc etc). I applied weedkiller to these boys' leaves two weeks ago but as you can see, they're still here. Systemic failure, clearly.

Today, I got the big guns out. Glyphosate, applied in a watering can, very carefully. The cats were locked in and I spent ages running about scaring birds away (harder than usual, obviously, with my new non-aunt-sally-barnet) until it dried in. Hopefully, nothing other than dandelions and dock leaves were harmed. We'll see.

Staying Alive, Bee Gees, 1983.

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