Squirrel of the Month
We notice that coincidently we blipped a squirrel exactly one month ago. Nuts.
This poor chap was sitting on our back fence as a heavy shower suddenly came down. He forlornly put his increasingly-less-bushy tail up his back as a mini umbrella. We were a bit worried by the scar-like mark on his cheek - although it does look remarkably similar to the wires on the birds' nut feeder he jams his nose into. He's amazingly adept at emptying it lightning fast.
A very wet day, as evidenced by many UK-based blips. It was very wet very everywhere by the sounds of it.
We spent the day with family, celebrating Immy's 13th birthday (yesterday) and grandad's birthday tomorrow. Immy's cake was "Friends"-based - commisioned by me (Annie) with a local cake maker as my cakes come out, um, "interesting looking" or "A for Effort".
Lunch out in a local pub passed well and uneventfully, which was disappointing. The last two times we've been:
1) The light bulb above our head exploded, showering us with glass fragments, and
2) The table next to us caught fire.
We'd been speculating which curse would befall us this time: Locusts? Flood? No Yorkshire puddings?
Ah well, as they say: "Better a quiet day than an explodey one".
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