New pal

Up earlyish and off for some food shopping and then to diy store to complete the shed fixing. Just as I was starting to fix the door the sleet came through and it was freezing. All fixed with a new bolt and padlock.

It turns out that the nest is a chaffinch, I bought some mealworm and placed it on the plot for them.

Back home and chilled, straight in a warm shower and back to bed to warm up.

Eco son and I finished the hen coup, we are now working on the enclosure and fox proofing it. I am more worried about the local cats, but will deal with that later.

Eco mum and eco daughter went up to the stables, eco daughter has a new pal, she is riding this horse from now on, a big step for her.

tea made for the returning girls and then some tutoring. Afterwards a lovely gift and card from the family. It has been great fun and I hope Wednesday goes ok for her.

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