
By milltownlass

Her lucky day

My daughter has had a very lucky day!

She was awarded 'Trampolinist of the Month' this morning, at her trampoline class. On the way home, she thought it was a sign that this was going to be a very good day.

In the afternoon, we headed for Wigan, to an acro-gym competition. We got stuck in a traffic jam on the M60, but managed to get off the motorway, and got to Wigan just in time.

Watching the girls practice their routine, things weren't looking good at all. The three girls are very evenly matched in height, and they were struggling with 'log', where the bases lift the third girl above their heads with straight arms, in one continuous move. They just couldn't do it at all - and they couldn't stop giggling, either!

It came to their turn to perform their routine and my heart was in my mouth. They performed so well, and then it came to the 'log' move. No need to worry, they lifted their friend exactly as they needed to. They were amazing!!!!

They came 2nd out of 9. Brilliant.

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