Singing at the Town Hall

Have just got in from singing in a fab concert.

Sing for all: Community Spirit at Birmingham Town Hall.

I first sang at the Town Hall when I was 14/15. Ah the memories.

There were all sorts of different style of singing. Gospel, Choral, Medieval Georgian music ..... Barbershop and a Male Welsh Choir.

The lady with the blonde bob in the picture in the page on the left married me and my husband.

I looked over and thought I recognised her. In the break I asked her if she had married me :) . She had and she remembered me!

Then in the second half I sat next to a young lad with a lovely voice and on chatting we went to school together. There were five years between us though. I am now on a total total high.

Can you believe I did not take a single photo. I am so useless!

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