Snappy Happy Chappy

By stustod

Confused- again

With all the rain this afternoon I took myself down town and took 6 quick fotos of the town centre, so buoyed by Fridays blip I thought I would try my luck of a panorama shot, stitching 6 fotos together.
Came home and realised I should of took them RAW, so traipsed back and took them again.
Came home again and it must of took me over 2 hours trying to figure out how to do it and when I finally did manage it realised Blip would not accept RAW photos so spent another hour converting it back to Jpeg.
Chuffed with my hard afternoons work tried again to up load it but this time blip told me it wouldn't upload!!

Not to be outdone I have uploaded it HERE if your interested.

Any advice/tips regarding Elements 10/ RAW/converting/ much appreciated.
Haz is in for a tough few hours tomorrow!!

post edit- thanks to clydebankman and 99fotos I have uploaded the photo-

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