Dog Park Wanderings

Up for breakfast with Rae's family and then off to the Restart Mall for a touch of window shopping.

I dropped Rae off at the airport and took Cousteau to Styx Mill Dog Park, where we spent a happy time mooching around. Excuse the cruddy crop on this shot; I just liked the ground better than the sky.

And yes, that's Cousteau - the wee red blob in the middle! :)

Then I flagged and ran out of energy. I snoozed on B's couch for a while, and then went to meet a client to drop some photos off.

Back to B's for more ZZZZZs.

Then back to the airport to pick up PJ.

Home and blissful sleep.

So, so tired at the moment. I have a sore neck and I think it may be waking me up in the night. Probably should get it looked at ...

Anyway, that was Sunday.

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