Grape Harvest

The grapes in my greenhouse have reached a point where they are too sweet to eat. I've eaten at least a bunch each day for more than two months, but there are plenty left. I picked 3.5 kg today and began processing them to make a thick puree, which I use instead of cane sugar to make raspberry jam. This fake jam doesn't taste as good as the real thing, but it is better than nothing. I need to avoid eating cane sugar.

Rubbing the cooked grapes through a sieve to get rid of the pips is proving a massive task. I had hoped to get it done before my evening meal, but I now doubt that I can finish it before bedtime. The trouble is that I have been unable to obtain a sieve with suitably sized holes. My colander's holes are too big. The worst part is that I have picked only half the grapes, and I'm determined not to waste the remainder.

There was no damage from last night's storm. The mountains had a thin dusting of snow on them this morning.

One year ago: A New Zealand native red admiral butterfly. I have seen only one this year and that was from a window. By the time I got out there with my camera it had gone.

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