This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today we enjoyed some urban exploration of the fishing village called Anstruther. Such a lovely picturesque place. There were chips with salt and sauce in the cold sea air. Then walking down tiny streets and dreaming of artist's colonies and strange living spaces and then coffee and cake! Then we drove on to North Queensferry and stood under the Forth Rail Bridge and had our faces blasted with cold sea air. Thanks to Stewart's friend, James Harkness for all the driving.

Later we met MAiT and James at the Barony bar and were treated to some great live music. At first I was bummed as it was going to make it that much harder for any of us to hear each other, but that subsided as the band was excellent! We still had a nice shouty visit and I can now say I saw some live music in Edinburgh. If Makossa is playing in your neck of the woods- go see them. Fabulous.

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