Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman


Had to sneak into work around the back this morning as the usual entrances were still locked. The upside of that was stumbling across these rather wonderful old lockers (still in use).

In other news, the sun is out today :-)

In other, other news, regular viewers might remember that I was due to head off to the Arctic in a few weeks. However, having booked it nearly a year ago, I found out on Friday afternoon that the boat broke down somewhere off South Georgia and won't be in the Northern Hemisphere in time for my trip.

I now have to quickly decide whether to swap to one of the other polar trips they've offered me or get a refund on the boat part of the trip and wrangle with insurance companies to recoup the flights and train fares I've forked out.

Either way, it'll cost me money and be hassle :-(

Big locker.

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