not a Daily Blipper

By suzy

Morning sun

I was still in bed when Keith came in and said i got you blip for today it was a sea gull standing on the bit of roof outside our window. So i got up and when i went to look at it on the camera he had not put the memory card in and us not being very techno we do not know how to get it on to the computer.

So Keith thought if he put the card in and take a picture it might come on when we put the card in the computer to get the picture but it did not.

The weather is really nice and sunny and hot me and molly had a stroll on the front and we saw her dad so she was happy we had a cup of tea and headed home.

this picture was the one that keith took molly taking the morning sun as she seems to do most mornings when there is some.

Bye for now love suzy xx

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