Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner


Have had a few bad days hence the no blipping!
Back on track now well sort off.

I have these lovely pink pain pills off the Doc for my wrist which have come in very handy especially as I managed to twist round on my elbow on Sunday morning causing major increase in pain.

Blood test 1 done! slightly bruised but other than that ok, Just got blood test number 2 to go now in two weeks time.

My great uncle passed away the other day as well, he had been ill for a very long time and it was most definatley his time to go. Funeral is on Friday.

Went to see Avenger Assemble on Saturday and it was immense!!!! Loved it loved it loved it! but then again I am a bit of a geek!

Time to decide what to have for tea/dinner see you all tomorrow

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