A Blip on the Reidar

By reidar

Keep out!

I have to self-censor myself a lot. I've always been fairly outspoken on my views and thoughts. Often I haven't really thought things through to well or more likely I go through periods where if I can say something that is confrontational I'll probably say it. Its fun watching people's reaction to something you might say or perhaps disagreeing with them. It does however cause trouble or people can think your an asshole instead of knowing that your just fooling around with them. Is it cruel?

Since I've become self employed I've found I can hold myself back pretty well, well lets face it if you upset the people who give you money they won't give you money any more. Maybe its a self defence thing? Maybe I'm a vulnerable wee soul who uses confrontation as a way of reaching out. Or maybe its just a load of rubbish?

Its just a load of rubbish...

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